Contract vs Permanent Roles: Which Salesforce Career Path Is Right For You?

With a wealth of opportunities and working environments the Salesforce ecosystem allows you to work in a way that best suits you.

If you are considering whether to work on a contract or permanent basis, we discuss the benefits and potential disadvantages of both sides to try and make the choice easier for you.

Contract – Benefits


Perhaps the biggest benefit of working on a contractual basis, is the fact that you are able to choose when to work and when to take a break.

Working on projects for a specific length of time allows you to effectively plan your schedule and decide when to work.


Working on a contractual basis also means that you can potentially be more selective about the projects that you work on.

As you are only joining a company for a set period of time, you have the ability to choose to work only on the projects that interest you and that you feel passionate about. If you don’t like the hours of scope of the project, you can simply reject the contract. Contract working also gives you the opportunity to explore different industries and locations.


Moving from company to company and project to project enables you to meet lots of different people, with different skillsets and backgrounds. This is a great opportunity to grow you network and connect with an extensive amount of other Salesforce professionals.

Day Rates

When considering the financial aspect of working on a contract basis, day rates tend to be higher in comparison to salary.

Contract – Disadvantage

Additional Benefits

On the flip side of potentially earning higher day rates, working as a contractor does mean that you won’t receive any additional benefits from the companies that you work for.

For example: sick pay, pensions, or bonuses. As a contractor you are only paid for the work that you complete.

Permanent – Advantages

Career Development

A main benefit of working within an organisational structure is the opportunity for career development.

Working in a corporate structure offers the potential for promotion as well as the chance to take on different responsibilities within the organisation.

Some organisations may also have implemented initiatives, such as a mentoring schemes or tech workshops, to help with your professional development. In some instances clients may also pay for you’re certifications as a way to invest in your career development.


Although you receive less flexibility when working on a permanent basis, this can be counteracted by the fact that there is an increase in stability.

You don’t have to worry about not finding another role once your contract is finished.

Company Policy

When deciding whether to work on a contract or permanent basis, it is worth conducting research around what companies you specifically want to work with. This is because some organisations have a no freelancers policy and will only hire on a permanent basis.


Whilst working as a contractor does allow you to meet lots of people, it can be argued that because you only work on projects for a specific amount of time, there isn’t that opportunity to form long-lasting relationships with your current colleagues.

However, working on a more permanent basis will allow you the opportunity to form relationship and not just acquaintances with colleagues if you want to.

Permanent – Disadvantage

Reduced Flexibility

Unlike working contractually, when working for an organisation on a permanent basis you are more constrained with the time you can take off.

Our best advice is to consider all of these aspects of contract and permanent work and decide what suits you the most.

If you are a Salesforce professional looking for your next challenge, or advice on whether to go down the permanent or contract route, speak to our specialist consultants today!

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